

  If at First You Do Not Succeed


  Try Try Again


  By John Fan & Leo Chen (Y8)

  作者霍芬海姆士气高昂,轻松战胜对手:范晋豪 陈嘉乐 (英制8年级)




  n a warm sunny Saturday morning on the 15th April the WAIS Junior rugby team travelled to Shanghai where we would compete in our first rugby tournament.

  We departed at 6.15 am and spent the next three hours in the coach motivating each other so that when we arrived in Shanghai we believed we were there not just there to compete but to be triumphant and win.

  Wellington began the first game by kicking the ball to Carl Wang who made a tremendous catch under pressure to secure the ball. Carl ran at speed, colliding with their players as he made his way up the pitch. Carl then threw the ball to John Fan who used his power and strength to move to within eight metres of the line where he was tackled. John was not finished, he was able to make an excellent pass out to William Li who burst over the line to secure our first points. The game continued in this fashion and we scored many points defeating Wellington quite comfortably which made us all feel very proud of what we had achieved as a team.


  After a short break we began our second match. This time Glen caught the ball and ran to within six metres of the try line where he was able to feed the ball to William who, with a neat side step, was able to take the ball that extra six metres and score the first try of the game. This game was not quite so easy though as our defence was proving to be a little weak as the opposition over powered us to win by the slimmest of margins, 7 – 6.

  We were disappointed by this result and so during the break we sought to reorganise our team ensuring we had a good blend of attacking and defensive options and most importantly we promised each other that as a team we would work harder than ever. The last game was very close and then with around ten minutes to go William received the ball and ran half the length of the pitch where he was tackled releasing the ball to Sunny Liu who ran into a wall of opposition but there was Leo Chen, with perfect timing, to take the ball from Sunny and score a wonderful try in the corner. Now, with the team full of confidence, John Fan released the ball in mid-tackle to William Liu who rounded a couple of players to score the winning try and secure a victory against a strong Dulwich side.

  We had played well and Mr. Rensburg and Mr. Carbutt seemed very pleased with our efforts. This was our first tournament and it was a really good start for us. We know there will be many more difficult games ahead so we will work hard as a team and seek to support each other to ensure we keep getting fitter and stronger.





  第一场比赛由上海惠灵顿国际学校开球,球踢向霍芬海姆士气高昂,轻松战胜对手开云体育威雅公学队的王俣森(Carl Wang),他敏捷地抢到球,在重重压力之下护住球开始飞速奔跑,撞开对方多名队员后,成功地将球传到了队员范晋豪(John Fan)手中。范晋豪凭借自己的力量继续向前进攻,不料却在距得分区8米之处遭到对手扑搂,但他并没有就此放弃,用一个漂亮的回传将球转移给了队员李彦璀(William Li),李彦璀突破对手抵达得分区并为威雅公学赢得了首次得分!比赛在这样的节奏下继续进行,威雅公学队在与上海惠灵顿国际学校对抗的过程中持续得分,轻松战胜了对手,这让队员们感到十分自豪!


  短暂的休息过后,我们进入了第二场比赛。威雅公学队员施天逸(Glen Shi)完成抢球并一路跑至距得分区6米之处,接着李彦璀用一个漂亮的侧步接住了施天逸传来的球,并冲进得分区完成了本轮比赛的第一次达阵!这一场比赛并不轻松,因为我们的防守有些薄弱,让对方占了上风,并最终以1分的优势胜过了我们。

  我们对第二场的比赛结果有些失望,因此在休息时间,我们重新整合队伍来确保进攻和防守的最佳组合,最重要的是,队员们一起为自己加油,并承诺在第三场比赛中尽自己最大的努力。最后一场比赛进行得十分紧张,两队比分非常接近。比赛剩余十分钟的时候,李彦璀接过球并穿越了半个赛场后遭到对手扑搂,队员刘阳(Sunny Liu)及时抢到了球,却被对方的防守墙阻挡了去路。就在此时,陈嘉乐(Leo Chen)巧妙地把握住了时机从刘阳手中接过球并成功达阵得分!此刻,威雅公学队士气高涨,范晋豪被扑搂后将球留给了李彦璀,李彦璀持球绕开几名对手后顺利达阵,赢得了关键分数并锁定了胜利的局势,最终威雅公学队战胜德威国际学校队,成为本场比赛的胜利者!


  威雅公学橄榄球队表现十分出色,带队的Mr. Rensburg和Mr. Carbutt老师也对我们的努力感到十分欣慰。这是我们参加的第一次比赛,也是一个非常好的开端。未来我们将面临难度更大的比赛,并且需要付出更多的汗水。因此,作为一个团队,我们将继续互相支持,一起变得更强更优秀!


  威雅公学(Wycombe Abbey International School)是一提供英式国际教育的学校,招收3-18周岁中外籍学生,并对6岁以上学生开放寄宿。幼儿园阶段采用英国早期教育课程体系,小班制体现个性化关怀;小学阶段采用探究式的学习方法,取英国国家课程及苏教版课程之精华,为学生打好坚实的学科基础,且在九年制义务教育阶段提供学籍。进入英制中学阶段,学校提供全球范围内广受认可的IGCSE和A Level课程,并获得了培生爱德思和剑桥国际考试委员会考试中心的双授权。遵循全人教育传统,学校还注重学生的人格培养,通过开展广泛而高品质的课外课程,帮助学生今后顺利进入世界名校,并在日益国际化的社会中取得成功。



  Tel: +86 (0)519 88880681/0682

  Web: www.waiscz.com

  Add: No.9 Huanhu North Rd, Economic Zone, Wujin, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China

